Hank The Evil Cowboy Alien Ninja and his Exploits Through Space and Time

Click to understand Jonathan Mann's history and mission

It’s a user-generated rock opera called “Hank The Evil Cowboy Alien Ninja and his Exploits Through Space and Time.” And it’s not to late to enjoy watching (and help create) the real-time collaborative storytelling spearheaded by Songatron’s Jonathan Mann (see his “TheRockCookieBottom” YouTube channel and learn about his own daily song mission here). He’s the creator of the infamous iPhone 4 Antenna Song (and he kindly created a remix of my son’s Shnibl Show song).

He’s operating from a brilliant premise. By sheer frequency and volume, he’ll create gooder songs.

The Jonathan Mann rule of song quality: Volume produces quality

I’ve created a YouTube “Hank the Evil Cowboy” playlist to help you find the videos in sequence.

Click here (Google Document) to volunteer to do a video, then post the URL. Please don’t mess with the document, which has already set back this effort.

I’m not quite sure how to get the video from your channel to his, as he’s currently traveling. I’ve volunteered to make a lunch-lady video. Please don’t let me forget!

The killer Hank logo/slate. Man he's creepy.

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