Halloween Split Video Personality

Oh sure… the dad in me was happy to participate in the Halloween Bash created by my kids… toward the end you’ll see Charlie (age 5) telling me he puked between scenes. Poor Falcon.

But the creepy video guy preferred to collaborate with some of the most frightening special-effects artists on YouTube…. DavideoDesign and Iggy35. Check them out. Shaycarl was supposed to be in this, but after 15 e-mail reminders, we wrote him out.

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  1. Kinda creepy. I’ll leave it up to you to decide which video I’m talking about.

    Just kidding. But why am I reminded of the opening white picket fence scene in Blue Velvet?

  2. Those kids did a great job. I can’t believe people actually really do that kind of thing. If we tried that, it would quickly turn into chaos and screaming. And you have a dog there too.

  3. @4 That means you could just dress like anyone you meet on the street. Have you read The Sociopath Next Door?

  4. Nice Photoshoped thumbnail replacement Kevin. Just one suggestion: use the blur tool slightly on the very edges of your cutouts. It’ll make them pop better and appear to be more a part of the main picture instead of layered over. It will. For the two monsters above, I’d use the “darken” blur tool option. (see my channel banner)

  5. I use GIMP for my digital image manipulation needs. It’s almost as powerful as Photoshop and it’s completely free.

  6. ^Well sheeeeit, Alexis. Now I have to download GIMP onto my already overburdened hard drive to see if your claims are true. If it’ll do the same stuff I did on my Youtube channel banner (click link), we have a winner!

  7. @13 I’m not sure how easy it is to create the fancy text art (I’ve not tried that before so I don’t know) but it should be able to do everything else you would need to create the banner just fine.

  8. @14
    Aw shoot. My laptop and operating system are too old to use any version of GIMP I’ve been able to find and download so far. That’s why I can’t take advantage of Magic Jack too. My stuff is too old.

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