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  1. Why would I want to buy a DVD of some of your crappiest videos when I can watch them on youtube for free? Your business model neeeds a little tweaking there, skipper.

  2. I don’t want your bribes just send one of the kids over here to clean this place up, including the dishes!

    Actually, Blue Host is pretty good, you get some nice professional and knowledgeable people to help if you ever get stuck and plenty of room to store all kinds of crap, like this blog. They offer a ton of features and programs and the price is pretty good for all that you get.

    The 6.95 deal is for 36 months so you need to come up with a few Franklins and some change right off the bat, but I’ve looked around and if you use the majority of all they offer it’s a pretty good deal. The ads at the bottom, click on that and sign up, you’ll help support Kevin’s habit and his kids might get to eat next week.

  3. Thanks, Jan. And Sukatra- I’m waiting for your comment about that poor Asian woman that missed a funeral apparently. I didn’t want to say that in the post because it makes it less funny. And for the record, when you see me in high definition you’ll find out I actually have wrinkles. Isn’t that worth $15?

  4. Don’t know who Nalts is?

    He’s that um… don’t tell me, self-proclaimed viral video genius who got pwned by a mean kitty. That guy. Yeah.

    I don’t really need a new webhost. But let me know the next time you have a link to pimp and I’ll think about it. =P

  5. Hey Kevin,

    I agree, Bluehost is the dogs proverbial bits!

    I went across to these guys from using Lycos [Europe] due to their hosting being disbanded by end of this month (I have over 100 sites and been with Lycos since early ’00s) and from all the other hosting companies I have tried out (short term), BlueHost is by far the best and if I had of known about them any earlier, I’d of been with them since day one!

    A run down of the highlights of what I like about;

    – As Kevin pointed out, its pretty much a ‘1-click’ installation of WordPress (no need to download WP from their official site, then add to site via FTP, remembering to add database details in to certain files before upload ofcourse), so… explaining this to be the most ‘simplistic’ WordPress host doesn’t really do it justice.

    – Customer support. Only used the once, but extremely helpful and very friendly.

    – Userbility. From adding new email address accounts to setting up sub domains, extra databases, security and a whole heap of other tools and service.

    Platinum Pack (Hosting pack):
    – Unlimited disk space usage
    – Unlimited bandwidth transfer
    – Sub domains, parked domains, FTP accounts… More than you will probably ever use.

    Want to blog? Sure you do. That also means you will most definitely want to use WordPress too (Even Matt Cutts (head of Web Spam @ Google) prefers it over Google blog variant!), then you must take a look at

    [inserts my own affiliate link here] heh, just kidding. 😉

    And no, I am not a BlueHost employee, but there are so many people using second rate web hosts like I once was, that I felt the need to rant this all out quickly in my lunch break.

    That is all,

  6. Well said John. After dealing with many different companies Blue Host has been the most dependable, they offer a tons of stuff and they are nicest folks to deal with. I don’t know if that’s because they are in Mormon Country or just understand how to run a business, regardless they are tops with me and I rarely promote anyone out here and I wished they paid me to say all this.

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