Galaxy Girl Dances A Smile on Your Face

Hours ago I hadn’t heard of the Samsung Galaxy (an iPad that isn’t an iPad), and now I want one.

I teased Samsung in my last blog, um, post, and SlatersGarage pointed out this delightful video I’ll probably watch 30 times this week. this is such a happy video, and thanks to Slatersgarage for sharing it. I can’t keep up on all the viral ads myself. 🙂

I’ll go to my grave urging brands and agencies not to pin their online-video marketing strategy on “going viral” or chase the exception. But every once in a while someone succeeds… It even followed PC Week’s rules.

If I return my iPad and buy this Galaxy thing… will that music play in my head, and will everyone follow my every dance step? It’s funny how the joyful, musical celebration distracts your brain from another less positive interpretation of this video… we’re all techno lemmings and we’ll follow the innovators even if they drop and fall. But that’s okay! I can be a lemming and be joyfully aware that I am, right?

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  1. I was duly dazzled, and I’m dying to see the “making of” video, if one exists.

    I still contend that one can’t DELIBERATELY viralize — like you say, Kev, there’s a certain amount of luck involved — but you can certainly produce entertaining, engaging content that delights, points back to a Brand, and that’s fun to share. This one has all of the above, fo’ sho’.

  2. Hmmm. I’m afraid the video didn’t live up to your hype in my opinion. It was cute and fairly entertaining, but seemed far too intentional and formulaic (as well as long enough to be slightly redundant). As to how it was made, my guess is that the girl was filmed first and then they created choreography for everyone else based on that. Then they simply composited the layers via rotoscoping or green screen.

    As far as the advertising angle goes, I don’t think it was very effective. I automatically scrolled away in the last few seconds when the music died out and didn’t even notice or think about the product or brand until I started writing this. I probably never would have associated it with Samsung except for this blog post.

    A brilliant marketer one wrote: “My simple litmus test: The ad succeeds if it would be difficult for someone to describe the advertisement without mentioning the brand.” Litmus test fail. The brand message here is tangential at best.

  3. An impression isn’t an impression unless it makes one. The question is not “how many views?”, but whether a target saw it and changed his or her behavior.

    In my mind, this shows that it is still possible to get lucky and create a viral video, while still possibly not getting a great return on investment.

    I predict that in the future, marketers will get smarter and go beyond this roulette game of viral advertisement. Instead they will team up with web stars who have already built their own loyal fanbase and know how to appeal to their audience without being overly promotional.

  4. Your quote from “a brilliant marketer” is about as credible as random stats quoted by politicians. Even if it were, the art of advertisement are evolving nearly as quickly as the media which carry it, suggesting that your litmus test is outmoded and irrelevant. Litmus test fail indeed; get with the times.

  5. @5 Oh man, the source I quoted that from was literally published today. I had no idea marketing evolved that quickly. 😮

  6. Got a nice note from the creative guy behind this. It really adds new dimension to this. Very humble and warm note… he said he was protective of the medium, and that stuck with me.

  7. @7 So can you share what he said? What does “protective of the medium” mean? Which medium?

    I hope it’s apparent that what I wrote above was an attempt at satire. Still, I’m curious why you would classify this admittedly entertaining video as “best in class” of viral video marketing. It’s cute and funny, but doesn’t seem nearly as effective at delivering a brand’s message (or even awareness) as, say, Rhett & Link’s recent pillow video (now with over 2 million views).

    As an internet video, it’s pretty risky to put all of the branding in the last few seconds where only a small percentage of the audience will see it (I know I didn’t the first two times I watched it), but I imagine this wouldn’t really be a problem for a different medium like TV or an ad on Hulu.

    (Crud. I probably need to resign as a WVFF backrower. We’re not supposed to actually discuss topics relevant to what you wrote, are we?)

  8. Pardon me for actually trying to effect a discussion relevant to subject at hand. I guess it was foolish of me to expect Kevin to reply or anyone else to care.

    I’ll try to stick with inane and/or irrelevant comments in the future, but don’t think I can make any promises.

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