Free Survey Tool Courtesy of Google Documents (how to use it)

I must have missed this memo, but Google Documents provides a free and easy-to-use survey tool. Here’s a video that explains it, and a crappy how-to video (see link) to help you set one up. However it’s pretty intuitive.

Remember the days you’d need to pay for one on SurveyMonkey or SurveyGizmo? Now simple ones are free.

I feel like a frog in slowly-boiling water. My dependency on Google is growing by the day.

Funny thing (not ha, ha funny)… I saw a survey invitation on YouTube, and was surprised (when I’d completed it) when I saw a “create your own survey” teaser (unfortunately, it thought I was a Google employee, and wouldn’t let me login via my Gmail). For a moment, I thought I was getting a sneak-peak at a new tool via Google documents, but it’s been out for a while.

Figured if I missed it, I can’t be alone.

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  1. That video makes me enjoy being unemployed even more. I think I’ll go watch Family Ties on AT&T and wash my french toast down with a 5th of vodka.

  2. Looks cool but I’m glad I don’t have to use it. Have you heard about Google Wave? It’s not out yet, but it looks interesting too.

    This reminded me about your logo contest. I’d be interested in your thoughts as to how that turned out as a social media experiment. I have to admit, I was a little disappointed in how you ran the contest especially considering how you often gripe about how other companies run video contests.

    Did you ever read any of my comments on that post or see neutralist’s awesome revised logo?

    I’m not sure why care so much, especially since I never had any stake in the game, but it certainly piqued my interest.

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