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Feature Film Released in Short Chunks Via Web (WorkingStiff)

workingstiff.jpgWho needs Hollywood? "WorkingStiff" is an independent film being released via www.ProjectWorkingStiff.com in short chunks via the Internet. The release began Memorial Day, and is being rolled out in 3 to 5-minute increments until the complete 94 minutes has played. Each day’s episode is stored in the lineup until the whole movie has played. The story features Gene, a beleaguered corporate filmmaker who directs training videos for a large corporation. Facing a financial crunch that could cost him his home, he decides to use the company studio at night to produce an ”adult” version of the anti-sexual harassment training video he's shooting during the day.

The writer, Greg Joyce, has more han twenty years of experience. He earned his BA in English and Philosophy from Boston College and his Masters degree in Magazine Journalism from Syracuse University. For full credits click here.

This is a great example of an innovative distribution approach, and I suspect we'll see more of these projects where small film makers bypass traditional distribution channels and offer their work directly. Brightcove is the company powering the technology, and to RSS it (which I would highly recommend), put this in your feeder: http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid18617683?action=rss

To dive deeper, check out the film's blog.  

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