Farting Santa and eGuiders Gentleman’s Competition

Check out Edbassmaster’s Farting Santa below… we even get to watch Bob Saget’s reaction.

What’s your favorite video of the week?

I just started to volunteer identify videos for eGuiders (see my profile). My 3 picks:

  • I found Mediocrefilm’s Greg Benson‘s picks and I’ll watch anything he favorites EVER based on these. Cried laughing at one of my favorite videos ever (a French journalist who can’t hold back his laughter in a wonderfully awkward moment with some sex-change peeps).
  • Obama Girl’s Ben Relles picks? Not as good. Sorry Ben.
  • Rhett and Link found a nice duo.
  • Director John Landis had a Michael Jackson pick and a nice remix-movie-trailer site.
  • Shira Lazar chose a Twitter parody, but I didn’t click it. There’s nothing I haven’t heard.
  • Chris Pirillo picked his own video, which is TOTALY cheating.
  • I appear occasionally on “This Week in Media” with Tim Street, so I wasn’t surprised to see he had two good picks.
  • And where the heck is Daisy Whitney?

So I’m thinking eGuiders will work better if people update their picks, and if there’s an incentive to find really good stuff. So I’d like to publicly encourage eGuiders to determine a way for us to compete. Let the viewers decide if our picks suck or if we become a Ninja eGuider. Just figure out a way (beyond me) to not have it become a popularity contest, because then Relles will kick my ass no matter how dull his picks are.

P.S. How come a “Nalts” search on Google doesn’t produce real-time Twitter results like some other people?

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  1. What fart machine was he using? Those were much better farts than the lame sounding fart machine most people use. Come on now people… spend the extra money on a quality fart machine you cheap bastards!

  2. My favorite video of the week?

    Search for “Shii – The Wii for women”

    ***vulgar/ sexist alert!***

  3. @1 His friend sells them…they used to over advertise them so much that I became bored of all the same fart videos. I’m sure if you go to his website or one of his earlier videos you can find out where to get one.

  4. @1 It’s the Pooter, which are sold by his buddy Jack Vale. I think I should buy one for Kevin as a Christmas gift. His fart machine is pretty lame.

  5. Also, these are some damn good thoughts… RSS feeds for individual eGuiders are coming soon. Jeremy Redleaf and Gennifer Snowfield spur each other on… Love these ideas!

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