Failblog: Bolivian Television Station Mistakes “Lost” Photos for Air France Crash

Man I love Failblog. It’s like “The Onion” only real. Last weekend while recovering from being out past my bedtime Friday night, I watched maybe 20 of them. Tonight I found this gem. A Bolivian television station shows images of what it believes to be the Air France crash, and are actually blurred photos from NBC’s “Lost” (did you know that was the original name of “Land of the Lost”?).

We have some editorial embellishment here because I doubt the b-roll of the Oceanic flight made the Bolivian telecast along with the photos, but it’s still a wonderful FAIL. And perhaps a WIN for the person that sent in the images, knowing full well that the race for visuals was too tasty for some networks to scrutinize.

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  1. It’s always a good thing to see that a good fellow like nalts has completely gotten into Failblog. That’s where the gold on this internet is, after all.

  2. I have a shy bladder when in a airplane toilet. I always think I’ll be sitting there and my insides will be sucked out my butt during some freak toilet incident.

  3. why I take trains and ships.

    I’ve never seen an ep of lost, any good?
    I’ll wait until it’s run its course.
    With this economy it may be the only vacation to a tropical island I’ll ever get 😉

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