Facial Coding Expert Says Obama’s Ads Not as Effective as McCain’s

This Advertising Age video explains why facial-coding research (which analyzes facial muscle movement to understand a viewer’s reaction to stimuli) on recent political ads shows that Obama has an edge on selling hope, but McCain is more effective at a good mud slinging.

I wish I had a computer analyzing your reaction to this news, so I could determine if you’ll be voting based on hope or mud slinging. Because the face never lies.

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  1. Myschpacesays, Obama is boring, McCain’s a terrible liar and there’s more than these two guys running in this election. Might I suggest the latter.

  2. I’m not voting based on hope OR mudslinging. No, I’m going to do the American thing, and vote based off petty surface issues. We’re sliding into a recession that might turn into a depression. Nobody wants to know which candidate had the best grades in their college economics courses. We want to know which one looks more attractive; who’s younger and relates to ME better. Which candidate has the best teeth, the best speeches, and the best spin doctors working for him? That’s what I care about, because I’m an average American.

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