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Exclusive Confidential Video: Google’s Due Diligence on YouTube

confidential.jpgAn anonymous source sent me this confidential “YouTube Research by Google” video that was meant for internal use only by Google.

I think it’s worth the legal risk of posting, because it gives us insights into what due diligence Google conducted before buying YouTube. Google’s board apparently commissioned ethnographic research of the YouTube community — research done by Jean-Claude Claris, MBA, Ph.D.

The research was conducted by observing the behavior of 25 U.S.-based YouTube users in early September. This video is dated Sept. 31, 2006, and Claris recommends a purchase price of $1.6 billion.

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  1. http://shop.earthgrid.com/jsp/details.jsp?id=:4d3530ea:dddacfa588:-7fff

    I loved your video parodying the Google / You Tube merger. You make several valid points about You Tube’s lack of a revenue model and how that could ultimately make it a foolish buyout. You also mentioned that what videographers like you are looking for is a way to make money for your work. A new stealth mode start up (my company) is working to do this — with full screen, highly compressed, DVD quality video. We are like the You Tube for professionals. We believe the future of television and cinema will not be televised — it will be virally broadcast on the web. We also believe that this future will not happen unless artists can get paid a fair price for their work instead of giving it away for free in exchange for a pittance of Ad Words revenue. Stay tuned for Digit — Internet video worth paying for!

  2. Marquis- it was a French accent. And sometimes Spanish. Maybe occasionally German. But Turkish?

    BTW- I’m going to watch Digit (and you know you are too). I don’t think eBay and Amazon were the first in their class.

  3. Nicely done. I cringe when I watch my own interviews, filled as they are with mistakes, bad questions, stumbles, and so on. This eases my angst, only slightly.

  4. Nicely done. I cringe when I watch my own interviews, filled as they are with mistakes, bad questions, stumbles, and so on. This eases my angst, only slightly.

    (once again, only properly logged in this time?)

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