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Emallina: “YouTube Popularity is Hell”

emmalina-emelina.jpgAustralian’s Emallina, one of YouTube’s first “crossover” stars, has quit her blogging career after being hacked, according to TheAge.com (via Spamroll). Reports the Age, “someone had hacked into her computer and obtained recent pictures and videos from it that had never been posted online as well as “incredibly private files.”

“Every day I logged in and discovered more and more cruel spoofs, harassing videos, death and rape threats, incredibly nasty comments and God knows what else. I can’t take it anymore. YouTube ‘popularity’ is hell unless you’re a f—ing saint with nothing to hide, or you have indestructible confidence,” Emmalina wrote in her last post on YouTubetalk.

Emmalina… the YouTube Viral Video Broker (video link) would like to apologize for exploiting your fame. Kiss, kiss, hug, hug.

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