Eefoof Claims $3.85 per 1000 Views

Interesting note from Eefoof. My Revver experience is more like $1 per 1,000 and others have cited as much as $1.30. But either way, this would suggest that the ROI on Eefoof videos is higher. However the profit per video is probably a lot lower since Eefoof is new and not getting loads of visitors.

The question comes down to traffic. Where do your videos get more views? That’s key. I’ll take a lower payment per video if I know I’ll get tons of traffic. Ultimately it’s about what site can bring the most revenue per video not revenue per view.

Dear eefoof users,

I’d like to send this letter out thanking everyone for a great first month here at eefoof, we’ve had such an amazing response since we opened up shop and we really owe it all to you. Our traffic has been steadily increasing every day, and we are looking forward to seeing lots of new content come in.

In other news, we have started paying out accounts for July! Since in July we’ve been in beta, we’d like to thank everyone for bearing with us by giving out 100% of profits instead of 50%. So, our ad revenue minus bandwidth expenses reached $1,393.38. That translates into about $3.85 per thousand hits. We’d like to point out that our closest competitor, Revver, only pays out about 0.75 per thousand, so we are extremely pleased with the results. We only see our payouts going up as we enjoy a steady growth of new users. Make sure to visit your account to see how much you’ve earned. If you haven’t hit $25 yet – don’t worry. Your dollars earned will roll over to the next month!

We’ve had about a dozen accounts reach the payout threshold ($25), and many were just sharing pictures on their blogs or Myspace pages. This is an excellent method: not only do you get a host to show off your pictures, but you earn money on it too! One of the best ways to get the word out about eefoof is MySpace. Add us at and tell your friends about us! The more people that visit our site, the more everyone will earn.

Finally, to continue to thank everyone for their support, August will also be a 100% profit sharing month. So, if you’ve been waiting to submit that special video or share some pictures, now is the time to do it! If you have feedback or questions on the site, please let us know. This is everyone’s site, and we want to build it together.

The eefoof staff

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