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Editing, MovieMaker and VideoBlogging

I asked folks on the Yahoo Videoblogging group if they knew of good sites that review online video software. Josh Kinberg suggested FreeVlog.com. On this site, authors Ryan and Michael recently posted an entire chapter on video editing (from their book “Secrets of Videoblogging). The chapter is free and meaty. Here’s the PDF to download it.

Cheryl Colan offers this site for those interested in effects, transitions, etc.: Window Movie Makers.

While we’re on the subject, does anybody read any good video editing magazine? If so, please post the name.

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  1. My Video Editing Software reviews are limited to Windows Movie Maker and Studio 9.

    Studio 9 is a great program. Has great scene detection, great effects, great editing capability, and all for a decent price (I think mine was about $100). And the best part of Studio 9? It can’t handle anything over 20 minutes. That’s right, this program that a monkey can use out of the box can’t handle a video longer than 20 minutes without crashing. And it crashes often. So often, they seem to have designed an automatic save into the program so you won’t lose your work when you try to edit a DVD length home video.

    Windows Movie Maker runs behind Studio 9 in many categories. Not as many features, not as much strength in editing capabilities, and no as much flash. But it gives you an exponential bang for your buck. Most new computers have it installed as part of Windows and even if you don’t, you can get it from Microsoft’s site.

    In the end, you don’t need to shell out big bucks for fancy screen wipes you shouldn’t be using anyway. And when it comes to burning to DVD, use a program designed to do that, not a video editing program that can’t handle the size of meat your trying to stuff in it.

    As for video editing magazines, don’t know of any. But if you can’t edit videos, no magazine (or software) will help you. It’s an art you either have or don’t.

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