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Doritos Video Contest

doritos davideoSo there’s a galary of amateur videos (consumer-generated advertising) posted on Doritos’ UK website, including this classic Davideo hit. He’s the UK creator of the exploding Diet Pepsi Mentos girl, and one of my favorites in the use of abstract video animation (so be sure to rate it if “five sizzling chips” if you like it too).

It’s another agency produced flash site, so no direct links to the videos are provided, but it’s called “Just Can’t Wait.” So you have to go to the site, skip the intro, click “Just Can’t Wait” and vote. At least you don’t have to friggin’ register to vote. 

Dear agencies: when are we going to learn that it’s cost prohibitive and unnecessary to create a custom site with subpar video players? To its credit, Doritos also set up a YouTube channel that features “Just Can’t Wait,” but I’m not sure votes count there.

Here’s another brave entrant featuring a guy whose tongue burns off. Kinda gross (as reflected by the votes) but has the most views.

davideo doritos

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  1. Thanks for the “pimp” nalts, the tongue ad was created by Doritos themselves and the the youtube link does caount as far as i know.

    Cheers Kevin I love you.


  2. Thanks for the “pimp” nalts, the tongue ad was created by Doritos themselves and the the youtube link does caount as far as i know.

    Cheers Kevin I love you.


  3. Thanks for the “pimp” nalts, the tongue ad was created by Doritos themselves and the the youtube link does caount as far as i know.

    Cheers Kevin I love you.


  4. sukatra:
    I was just going to say the same thing. Please post something new Kevin, so that every time I come to this page I don’t see that creepy finger.

    BTW, in case anyone cares, I am back at work this week and the principal hasn’t said anything to me yet, so may he had enough “punch” at the meeting that he doesn’t remember seeing a particular video. Or maybe he doesn’t want to remember. Or is embarassed to say anything to me. Either way, I think I’m good.

  5. Marilyn – you have me to thank for that. I did a lewinsky on him to keep him from firing you.

  6. Thanks, sukatra. I was in a meeting with him after school yesterday (not alone! Get your mind out of the gutter, sukatra!) and I think everything is cool. But a little weird.

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