Do You Like Like Buttons?
Do you like like buttons? I do. Yeyyy likes.
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Do you like like buttons? I do. Yeyyy likes.
Wow I’ve let my blog go dark. It’s like a serial killer’s basement.
Like lemmings to the sea, everyone’s throttling YouTube with their stuff in hope of fame. Want a little secret? It’s hard as hell to breakout on YouTube. If you want quantity of views, you’re much better off in Google Video, Yahoo Video and some of the third-tier sites. Why? It’s the best kept viral…
Reuters reports that a recent Microsoft/Yahoo deal will attempt to rival Google. Here’s a video report (thanks Jan). Yahoo agreed to the ten year deal (which brought its share price down according to CNN Money), but doesn’t get any insta-cash. PCWorld thinks Bing’s interface and marketing campaign (which eroded Yahoo’s share of the search market)…
My son and I were in Annie over the weekend, and I played Bert Healy, the host of the Oxydent Hour of Smiles. He sings “You’re Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile.” Yeah I bought a Barber Shop hat (Skimmer) but the director wanted me in this little baseball hat. The video is annotated to…
You go, Nancy Grace. Don’t hold back. Your rage makes killer TV. Here’s a clip from “The Insider,” wear Nancy Grace tears John Gosselin (John and Kate Plus Eight) a new hole. For years you had your children on reality TV. Suddenly you want it all to come to an end. Oh you have your…
You can hide YouTube comments now with Google Chrome (see article on CNet). Writes Matt Elliott: Comments on YouTube are largely gibberish, mean-spirited, or profane. A Chrome extension lets you set a variety of options for YouTube videos, including hiding comments. Really? Gibberish? That’s weird. All the comments I get on this blog (and my…
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I like buttons they make me feel special. I can like what someones says about something and I like buttons because they hold my pants up. I like buttons, ok Im done. PIGGY IN THE RAIN PIGGY IN THE RAIN PIGGY PIGGY PIGGY PIGGY PIGGY IN THE RAIN
I don’t like Like buttons.
I’ve installed an extension called Facebook Disconnect on Chrome which keeps facebook from tracking me on non-facebook sites.