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Did You Know 4.0


Using Kevin’s memory techniques remember all these statistic 😉
there will be a test at the end

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  1. I still prefer my newspapers to be in paper format. Can’t really get in to reading the local paper online. And I still want local news as well as national news.

    Call me old-fashioned, but that’s how I roll.

  2. The Onion
    American Voices
    YouTube Turns 5
    May 19, 2010 | ISSUE 46•20

    Video sharing website YouTube turned five on Monday. What do you think?

    Juliet Morris

    “Wow, it feels like just yesterday when I used to go outside.”

  3. I thought the vid was pretty cool. I def use my phone for almost everything..blackberry web surfing is lacking hence almost. @Marilyn – a piece of me still thinks i want to read the paper in hard copy but then a bigger piece of me that hates the ink and refolding jump kicks that piece trying to hold on to the paper. I can def see where you are coming from though 🙂

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