Deer Roams Suwannee Publix Supermarket

The fawn duo roamed Publix, and one dove over the Sushi container... making a statement about animal rights.

A couple deer (fawns to be precise) wandered a Publix supermarket in Suwannee, Georgia. The noises of the frustrated fawns (see YouTube video below) sounds freakishly human. In an moment guilty of at least two cases of irony, James Chronicle — a founder of a Suwanee-based non-profit called the Georgia Animal Protection Society — “chronicled” the event in this video via his cell phone.

Bad pun and cheesy headlines include: “Oh deer: fawn go shopping,” and “Attention shoppers… a deer in isle 1.” Interestingly a “venison publix” search revealed that this isn’t the first time — a crime report of a Publix in Pinelass County, Florida shows a similar event in late 2009.

I can’t find a statement from Publix on the event, but the grocery chain is listing job openings for a meat cutter. (Slow people need not apply).

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