Daisy Whitney Confesses to Cordless Phone Tossing

It started when I saw Daisy Whitney as the guest on Martin Sargent’s Revision3 “Internet Superstar,” just two episodes after I appeared on the show.

Soon after, we began critiquing Daisy Whitney on this blog, and she graciously visited WillVideoForFood to engage with you torch-bearing mobs accusing her of having small boobs and nappy hair. In fact you’re wrong about both, and I know because I met her in NYC last week.

Daisy’s TelevisionWeek article describes the making of “The Pussy Cat Review Show,” which culminated in tossing of cordless phones and plates. You see, Daisy confessed to me that she often destroyed cordless phones when she got peeved. It was imperative we build a plot around that.

It’s fun to read someone else’s version of what happens when I descend upon someone to make a video (see her article). I’ll admit, I lose all sense of social pragmatics in these hyper experiences. It often begins with meeting someone I admire, with a maybe half-baked idea of a video. I see a fuzzy storyboard in my mind, but I am unable to convey much to the reluctant participants. For starters, it would take too long. And they’d say it wasn’t funny (no video idea ever is). So I just rush ’em into their lines before they can say no. And with very few exceptions, people eventually roll with it. It’s awesome when I can get someone who can actually work the camera.

Sometimes the participants add nothing, but in Daisy and Paul’s case, they were flowing with spontaneous additions. Now I haven’t uploaded the “The Pussycat Review Show” yet because the audio is rather terrible and I’m afraid it lacks the punctuation I was seeking. But I think I gotta launch it now that Daisy’s “behind the scenes” story has run. And I did like my duet with wifeofnalts for the opening jingle. 

Daisy Whitney throws phones at peopleIn the meantime, catch Daisy Whitney’s Oscar-like performance in “Uninvisible Man,” which we shot that same day. You see, I had an older sister that had a temper, and she used to always pose questions like “would you cut off your finger for a million dollars.” So these ideas always comes from our dysfunctional childhoods. Daisy probably had someone throw a Fisher Price phone at her in pre-school.


Oh- and Here’s Whitney’s New Media Minute below. Yeah- I worked camera for her opening with my little Canon HV20. I think the brief zoom gave the show the much-needed pizzaz.


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  1. For the record, I said she was too smart and her boobs were too small to be a success in big time media, obviously poking fun at the penises in suits that make decisions in big time media organizations. But I guess I was too subtle. HA! that’s a first.

  2. “I see a fuzzy storyboard in my mind, but I am unable to convey much to the reluctant participants. For starters, it would take too long. And they’d say it wasn’t funny…so I just rush ‘em into their lines before they can say no. ”

    -Good to know your style hasn’t changed since the Buffoonery…

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