cute kitten very is pleaseing to eye in video
why people can not understanding preferred language of comments? i am cute non english speaking kitten? speak to me as I speaking to you. why youtube commenters not understand and respect my language?
you watch my video and talk to me in comments. kindly send to your family for giving them warmth on there day.
I’m sorry, I’m allergic to stu- er cats.
This was more understandable than that CPM marketing-speak you wrote recently.
LOL cute catz you need moar of them in yoar hous
Cat says:
“OMG, wherz WoN? Kan’t findz her.”
“Don’t H8 cuz I’mz tite wit Youtube royaltee!”
now see me people who flow with river of bad linguistics.
The girls just showed me this.
I am doing this on your comp. So I’m logged in as you.
Oooow…the possibilities…
Actually. Nalts is a tool. Why would I wanna be you?
We speak American here, dammit! No special programs for lolcats! That means no ESOL classes, no affirmative action, and damn sure no quotas for lolcats!!
(This message was paid for by the Republican Party.)
Well, obviously this immigrant cat has been hanging out with Charlestrippy’s dog’s too much lately. At least my dogs have proper grammar!
Obviously not my kitten. My kittens are NOT lolcats, and speak with proper grammar. They also can spell. Click for picture.
I love lolzcats! *Clicky linky*
BSoN, you have Kevin’s computer password! Man, that’s worth like at least 50 cents! ;o)
I really don’t know what to say here….