
“Crap in a Tiffany’s Bag” Video Contest

tiffanybag.jpgTime for the “Crap in a Tiffany’s Bag” contest. There’s not an actual physical prize for this, but you’ll win the respect of your peers.

The idea generated through some comment discussions on this blog. Can you make a video that attracts the most views but has the worst ratings? It’s tough because it has to be remarkable enough to get forwarded but create an instant repulsion by the viewer. Our first submission comes from Zack Scott (www.zackscottreports.com) with this horrificly wonderul “Bird and the Egg.” Marquis, I believe, has created one too. Please post. Mine will come this weekend.

So the rules are:

  1. There aren’t really any rules
  2. Just submit a video and post the URL in the comments below
  3. Make a great title and thumbnail to get the “Tiffany’s Bag” effect (looks good from the outside)
  4. But make sure the video is TERRIBLE. This will be determined by an independent group of judges, and influenced heavily by the low ratings and negative comments.
  5. Nothing obscene please.

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  1. For what it’s worth, I would like to mention that I can’t get my video approved by the initial MetaCafe reviewers. Maybe I need a better title like “Cute Baby Bird Hatching” and the thumbnail needs to just be a picture of an egg. But then MetaCafe will rate it problematic because the title and description sucks.

    Thanks for the link by the way.

  2. For this contest any online video site will do. If MetaCafe is playing “hard to get,” you should go with that gal whose always free Friday night if you can’t find a real date. (YouTube).

    Mark- please crap in a Tiffany’s bag. It will really make this contest memorable. Then pee in your Altoids tin.

  3. I was excited to contribute, because, let’s face it, I’m really good at making bad videos. But then I saw Zack’s. I can’t top that (as least not sober).

    BTW: Just watched my first ‘Zack Scott Reports’ video. Wonderful. I loved the line about Whitney Houston/Bobby Brown splitting up… they couldn’t agree on how many times he could hit her. Too good.

    Zack, you just might be the new Amanda Conzefrank Girl15.


  4. Joe, thanks very much. I’m really glad Kevin posted a link because right now I’m having trouble drawing new visitors in. With my previous websites I would have lots of Technorati visitors, but Technorati hasn’t been indexing my page properly for the past 34 days. Tech support e-mails have not been replied to.

    Also, the latest episodes don’t completely reflect the direction I’m going in with Zack Scott Reports. The reason is because my regular “co-host/special guest” is on his way back to the states. He is usually on the phone to laugh at the news.

  5. Johnny Carson lost his Ed McMahon. Oh this is going to be a problem. Don’t tell anyone. Have him take the calls from his cell phone in another room. Authenticity isn’t exactly a halmark of good viral videos.

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