Coverage of NYC YouTube Gathering on 7.7.7 (Long Island Pulse)

youtube-nyc.jpg Toni Munna, YouTuber and author, joined our pre-gathering at my home before the NYC 7.7.07 event and snapped this photo and wrote this nice piece on YouTube’s community. I like it because Toni said my videos are “funny, charming, clever and professionally done.” I paid her $5 per adjective, or $20 in total. But she did manage to elude participation in the Wizard of YouTube video we shot.  I invited people to rescore that video, and here are some great versions:

  1. MichaelFrankel’s version: a collection of classic movie music mixed with B&W and color effects
  2.  1JoeCool1’s version: With sound effects, and some iMovie tunes
  3.  Slorge’s version with custom music and some tunes from Kevin McLeod’s incompetech

Back to the article from Long Island Pulse. We took a chance inviting a reporter to the house to join YouTubers where we let down our guard. But the fact that Toni participates in the community made her relatively harmless, and the article touched on some vivid dimensions of the social network. It’s hard for a typical journalist to describe online video without saying something horrifically awkward. It’s probably like me trying to hang out in SecondLife and behave. The next thing you know it, everyone’s staring at me just because I’m naked and flying.

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  1. First?!

    Damn, I wish I could have gone to 7/7/7!!!! It looked like a lot of fun. Anyone going to southtube in September, or is there another NYC meet up planned for next year?

    Marilyn, AKA FanClubofNalts

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