Contests Looming: Xlntads RoadTrip

Being a finalist in the Oreo Global Moments contest renewed my interest in online-video contests. There are a few that have deadlines looming:The XLNTAds Road Trip is due June 30 and has a prize of $7500 with  two “runner’s up” prizes of $750. Shoot a pilot episode of a road-trip based show that will attract the interest of a sponsor.A new site ( is offering a Mac Pro Tower with 30-inch screen for the best video in its “MakeYourOwnVideoAd.” It’s also due June 30. 

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  1. Oh, speaking of train treks, that documentary producer called me again yesterday. He wants to send me plane tickets to Burbank. I’m just dumb enough to go. Maybe I’ll get 50 videos out of this trip, too.

  2. It’s $4.10 a gallon where you are? It’s over $4.19 most places here. I live in NYS, though; home to many, many taxes. I think we have some of the highest taxes in the country – yeah for us!

  3. In the official rules for contents it says, “10) The video may not copy, incorporate, or include music or video unless the entrant is the lawful copyright owner thereof.” This means no royalty free music, right? No stock footage either.

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