Contact Us if You Have Moneys

Sorry- not related to online video, but I just love this ad. Really inspires trust. I think I’ll send them my… oh wait, I’m in complete debt.

contact us if you haves money

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  1. I did haves money, so I did contact them. I always listen to those things. It’s time to go and get my free Xbox 360, PS2 and plasma screen TV for free now. Where’s my social security number?

  2. I haves wife. I haves minivan. I haves a video production business.

    I haves no money. I want to haves moneys. Maybe for could you gives some of yous money so me could have mine moneys to keep.

  3. ifs being you haves no moneys, could you be havings paypals?

    I also haves no paypals, but haves you given my paypals and I could go havings with paypals.

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