Contact Us if You Have Moneys
Sorry- not related to online video, but I just love this ad. Really inspires trust. I think I’ll send them my… oh wait, I’m in complete debt.
Sorry- not related to online video, but I just love this ad. Really inspires trust. I think I’ll send them my… oh wait, I’m in complete debt.
The trick to being happy is to feel good. So watch this albiet archain video showing a real-life Thumper and Bambi. This deer and rabbit get along wonderfully. Now relax and feel wonderful about your week. Yey! Thanks, Jan. We don’t know how you find these, but love that you keep sending ’em. Speaking of…
Here’s a video from ZDNet that features part of a round table about consumer-generated media at the AlwaysOn Stanford Summit in Palo Alto, Calif. At first I’m bored by Chad. Then Michael kicks in, and I almost think we’ll have an intelligent debate. But it seems like the themes are: YouTube is creating a stage…
Brownmarkfilms sues Southpark for stealing its “What What In My Butt” YouTube video. Seriously? This is about the highest complement you’ll get in your career. Hey Southpark… you have my permission to use anything you want from my Nalts channel. It all sucks, but that didnd’t stop you here. Okay can I insult this video without offending gay…
Remember The Richter Scales and their controversial “Here Comes Another Bubble?” Common- a photographer named Lane Hartwell sued, and they had to pull the video down? I was furious and held a contest for those who could do the best mosh-up of Hartwell’s photos? Courtesy of TechCrunch, here are The Richter Scales at TechCrunch’s “The…
Between professional video content and user-generated content is a vibrant solution for advertisers. And most are missing it.
I spent 30 minutes tonight removing about 200 hate comments on my most-recent video… most from one user account (flamingAJ1213). The little fellow must have sat there for hours typing. Most likely he missed the sarcasm when I pretended to believe Nixon and Clinton were telling the truth, but Obama was lying when he said…
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I live in the ghetto.
Those damn LOL cats are now running ads? We’re doomed!
I did haves money, so I did contact them. I always listen to those things. It’s time to go and get my free Xbox 360, PS2 and plasma screen TV for free now. Where’s my social security number?
I couldn’t read it because I am old. Somebody translate it for me. Accurately, please.
I haves wife. I haves minivan. I haves a video production business.
I haves no money. I want to haves moneys. Maybe for could you gives some of yous money so me could have mine moneys to keep.
ifs being you haves no moneys, could you be havings paypals?
I also haves no paypals, but haves you given my paypals and I could go havings with paypals.
For a good laugh, imagine Jerry Lewis reading my last two comments.
If you go to the web site mentioned, you get this message:
This account has been suspended. Please call 0800 024 2931 or e-mail to reinstate this hosting.
All I read was…contact us if you have MONKEYS! Yay!!!!
I just planted a money tree – we’ll all be rich by summer!
If you still having moneys after contacting that accounting, please PayPaling me also (click).