Clueless Author Reveals Online-Video Secrets

So I do this interview at Blogworld not realizing it’s friggin’ Mark Robertson of REELSEO that’s interviewing me. Since the question of video SEO comes up, I mention Mark during the interview, referring to him as the authority on video search-engine optimization… after all he helped with the chapter on video SEO in “Beyond Viral.” Then the interviewer smiles, says “yeah that Mark knows his stuff,” and turns his name badge around. So yeah, I have one of those Alzheimer’s moments where I realize I’m talking about Mark TO Mark. To make matters worse, the camera man was Daisy Whitney’s husband, who I had dinner with before. Missed that too. Jeremy Scott interviewed me via phone… he’s a hoot. So I’m going to remember him as long as… I can.

I’m lucky I remember my kids names. All three of them. Wait- four.

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  1. At least you didn’t use him as a bad example! If it makes you feel any better I have to give out grades in the next week and I don’t know about a third of my students’ names.

  2. haha! I had a moment like that last year with a top author/authority in the youth ministry realm. She came to my seminar just to meet me and I thought she was a tech assistant to fix my mic. Doh! lol

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