Charlie and the Kitten
I just took this photo, and had to post it even if it has absolutely nothing to do with this blog. It’s Charlie Nalts and Triscuit (the kitten of babysitterofnalts). See babysitterofnalts’ video that was supposed to go on sevenawesomekids but she hijacked it. It’s the Nalts kids dancing.
Aww how cute!! I love the name Triscuit such a cute name for a cat!
[steals picture]
it that a towel or is that kitten rabid?
Charlie looks a little more like you today Nalts, only cuter.
How can charlie look like me AND be cute?
Awww!!! I can’t decide who is cuter – Charlie or Triscuit. Personally, I think Charlie must take after Jo. 🙂
What kind of parent would post pictures of his kid on the internet? Next thing you know, you’ll be doing videos of them. Exploiting your kid for views????? Man, you are one sick fuck.
Now I’m off to make a video of Hank taking a huge dump on the can. Hold it as long as you can, honey! I need to get the lighting just right!
As long as he does it on the can, sukatra, and doesn’t wipe it on your chair. 🙂
Wonderful pic! :o)
Triscuit is frisky.
But not with Charlie.
I think there is an evil bond there.
My son (the one that turned 20 today) used to be able to put our old at into what we called a “kitty coma”. He had a way with that cat. Our new kittens are way too frisky right now. They terrorize the house, chasing each other and knocking things over. Maybe two cats wasn’t such a good idea! 🙂
Why does this make me think of the book “Of Mice and Men”?
If we could just bottle the cute and sell it we’d be rich!
marilyn – i promise you 2 cats was a great idea. aren’t they hilarious to watch running around chasing each other and play fighting? they’ll calm down eventually and then you’ll have two puddles of love to sit in your lap or on the end of your bed or on your footstool or whatever.
Yeah, I said it. Puddles of love.
Right now my kitties are terrors; but I love them. I figure once they get they balls cut off (in another month) they will calm down a bit. 🙂
It is so cute to watch them; I have several videos of them on my channel (that only my family have watched). They are just about 6 months old and I do love them to death. It’s just the racing through the house at 4 am knocking everything off the counters, dressers and tables that drives me crazy. Kirk is my little buddy; he sits in my lap all the time and curls up next to me in bed. Spock is also pretty lovey, but he seems to enjoy licking hubby’s beard and balls best!