Category Archives: YouTube

YouTubeaholic… YouTube’s Anonymous

rookie.jpgCourtesy of Loaded Pun, here’s a clever “YouTube Anonymous” video that takes us deep into the psyche of someone obsessed with online video viewing & uploading on YouTube. Like most of my videos, it could use some tighter editing. But the payoff is worth the wait.

Watch for her frizzy burnt hair, her nail chewing, her whispering and her satisfaction at knowing her videos have been viewed. For the rest of Katz20two’s videos, click here.

Are Your Videos DO Belong to Us (YouTube)?

Thanks to Joe Chapuis (WebVideoZone) for pointing this Boing Boing report out. It appears that the language around YouTube’s ownership of your content is getting a little tighter. Fortunately, they’re not trying to go for “exclusives.”

Here’s a Boing Boing post by David Gulbransen that reminds us that a) we can always yank our videos, and b) that right will make it difficult for YouTube to license its content to other players.

I hate to be put in the position of trying to defend an onerous license… but the excerpt you posted on BoingBoing is a little misleading. It continues, “…The foregoing license granted by you terminates once you remove or delete a User Submission from the YouTube Website.”That last little bit is pretty important. It means that if you remove the work from the YouTube site, they have to stop using your work. So there is some protection for users who have uploaded original content. If YouTube were to sublicense your content to an advertising agency, for example, and you were to remove the content–thus revoking the grant under the terms of the agreement–then the agency’s license would be revoked as well. That’s not really a tenable situation for advertisers or businesses, who are unlikely to sublicense content with such strings attached.

YouTube Viral Video Broker!


  • Advertiser looking for reach?
  • Viral-video creator looking for income?
  • Video website looking for revenue?

It’s the YouTube Viral Video Broker. He’s got the answers.

Tags: Laipply, Numa Numa, Emmilina, Brookers, Smosh, YouTube, Coke, Coca Cola, YouTube, McDonalds, Subaru, Verizon, Singular, Wireless, Advertising, Online,

How Will Online Video Sites Deal With Liability? Can They Have Their Souflee And Eat It Too?

soufflee.jpgJean-Baptiste Soufron is French, Chief Legal Officer of the Wikimedia Foundation, writes in this recent blog post that “more and more copyrighted content are being uploaded on their servers without the proper authorizations from copyright owners.”

Says Soufron, their content is too often violating third parties copyright or privacy, they expose their users to the same legal threat and their problem will only increase with the new laws that are being passed worldwide….these new companies are trying to build a business without taking the necessary steps to comply with the existing copyright or privacy regulations. There is no need to insist on the danger of this approach, but it is worth pointing out that this development scheme already proved to be quite unsuccessful when looking at the record of Napster, Grokster and others.

How are (YouTube) going to defend against the logic of law if they come with a business model where they don’t respect other’s copyrigth (sic) on one part, and they try to get rights for free from users on the other one? Where will be their legitimacy in front of the Court?

Soufron, whose name sounds like a delicious French desert, offers the following solutions, none of which I understand:

  • Maintaining state-of-the-art filters to avoid the simpliest form of copyright and privacy violations
  • Creating some clearinghouse for copyright and privacy, including some clear explanations of what is allowed and what is not
  • Ensuring legal advices to their users when they are of good faith
  • Work with art service organizations and collecting societies to investigate insurance possibilities, and obtain statement of best practices
  • Investigate opportunities for amending law in order to reduce penalties, to protect good faith users from penalties, to create alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, etc.

90 Percent of Online Video Sites Will Disappear

In this San Francisco Chronicle article by Ellen Lee, Charles River Venture Capitalist George Zachary predicts that 90 percent of online video sites will disappear. Some will simply shut down; others will be gobbled up by larger companies. (Brief ad here- if anyone wants to gobble up CubeBreak, make an offer… I just got a new job and probably won’t have time for it).

Does this bring you back to 1999/2000?

The froth of activity surrounding online video is reminiscent of the dot-com boom and bust just a handful of years ago, when companies were created seemingly overnight to tackle Web site hosting, online retail and other new avenues made possibly by the Internet. In many of the most popular fields, a glut of companies would be formed, setting the stage for a shakeout. Most closed, unable to attract enough customers or sales, leaving customers and investors in the lurch.”

Here’s the Hitwise report on the Top 10 Video Sites. This is share data not unique views, and Hitwise has shown that YouTube’s share exceeds that of the next several players combined.

1. YouTube

2. MySpace Videos

3. Yahoo Video Search

4. MSN Video Search

5. Google Video Search

6. AOL Video

7. iFilm

8. MetaCafe

9. Grouper

10. GoFish

Source: Hitwise

Mariah the Pickle Girl on Maury

Pickle phobia maria pickle girl maurySo I’m still in the hospital. Nothing like sitting with an IV, watching Maury and blogging on a 56K line. Anyway, “Nicole the Nurse” just saw me watching Maury and observed my anxiety about my IV line leaking blood. She asked if I watch WebJunk.

She said she just saw a segment from Maury that showed a girl who was terrified by pickles. Here’s the clip. It got me thinking about something besides my broken IV line. And it only took about 15 minutes to cache from YouTube.

(Pickle, phobia, fobia, maury, maurie, mory, pickle girl, webjunk)