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The Flowing River of New Media News: You, Blogs, Websites, Mainstream

When it comes to new-media news today, lots of rivers lead to the ocean. Steve Rubel (Micropersuasion) told me about this phenomenon two years ago when we hired him to speak at Johnson & Johnson, but now I’m seeing it first hand. I get all my news about cool stuff from you guys- the brooks…

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On NBC Today Show… this morning. maybe.

Greetings boys, girls and willvideoforfooders! Iā€™m your substitute, I mean “GuestOfNalts (.)” today šŸ™‚ As you know this self proclamied viral video genius, Kevin ‘Nalts’ Nalty, started talking to himself early on, as we see in several of his more delightful films: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, AND here! WHEEW! Kevin has…