“Am I Pretty or Ugly” Girl Pretends to Be 21-Year-Old Artist

Sophie Roessler’s “Am  I Pretty or Ugly” video caught some media attention and a quarter of a million views. So what did the tween do? Like anyone else, she pretended to be a 21-year-old artist who knows all about the “struggles a girl transitioning into womanhood must go through. Roessler claimed the video “acted as…

Online Video “Gold Rush”

New Media Minute’s Daisy Whitney says there’s a “gold rush going on in online video,” and points to some efforts of technology providers to meet growing needs. Time for a little roundup of recent news… Whitney sites eMarketer’s report that online video is set to grow 40% to 3.1 billion. Comscore reports that average online…

How Many People Are Watching Online Video in 2012?

comScore reports that 181 million U.S. Internet users watched nearly 40 billion videos of online video content in January. YouTube ranks first with 152 million views, and the rest of the pack (Sony’s VEVO, Yahoo, Viacom, Facebook) attracted about 45 to 52 million viewers (about one third of the Google-owned leader). Some interesting statistics from…