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William Shatner’s “Negotiator” Priceline Commercials: A Rant

Here’s a classic example of brilliant advertising creative executed horribly online. According to MediaPost: Priceline.com has changed the way it uses spokesman William Shatner in its ads; rather than playing himself, he has morphed into the character of chief negotiating officer. Here’s a memo to the Priceline folks: First, ingenious idea to have Shatner in…

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Barats & Bereta Return With 2nd Coming

Barats & Bereta, the most popular duo in viral video, are back. Here’s their latest video titled “The Other Son.” In this one, Barats (or Bereta) plays the role of God’s second son. I think it’s one of their finest videos since Mother’s Day because it’s hysterical and managed, I think, to avoid insulting Christianity….

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Atom Films Pays for idonothingallday “best of 2006″

Atom Films is still kicking. I haven’t gone in a while because the opressive prerolls are too much for my V-ADHD. But I was glad to hear that Patrick from www.idonothingallday.com was paid for a “best of” video. Patrick, as regular WVFF readers will recall, takes videos of pretty women in NYC. If you find…

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iPhone Already Matched by Microsoft

It didn’t take the Microsoft long to counter the iPhone. Now DogRodeo has a spoof ad for the ZunePhone. Check out this video, and be sure to watch the last few seconds. I’m not usually one for parody commercials but this was extremely well done. Funnier than most Saturday Night Live commercial parodies and produced quickly…

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The Vaccine for Viral Video

As the “auteur of the awful,” who has also marketed vaccines, I believe I have a unique ability to instruct you on how to vaccinate the world from your viral video. Follow these 10 tips and I can almost guarantee you a non-viral video. Make it long. Say 5-10 minutes. Videotape yourself describing your day….

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Portrait of a Viral Video Genius

I was profiled in this important video about viral video. I’m so glad Nalts had an opportunity to share the meaning behind my viral video work. So often I get the questions: Is viral video be taught or is it an innate skill? What makes you an undiscovered legend? What is the greatest of all…

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Top 10 Viral Video Moments of 2006

Given that 2006 was the Year of Online Video, we’d be remiss not to look back at the special highlights of this year. This is not another “top viral videos of the year” list. Goodness knows there are hundreds of those. Instead we’re looking at the moments that changed the industry or perception of it….

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How Do I Get on the YouTube Homepage?

Interesting article from PBS MediaShift about the nuances of the YouTube homepage. As many have discovered, an editor’s pick on YouTube is a career-changing moment. Take Mark Day with his Smiley Intervention. He’s transformed from a local California comedian to an “web-lebrity.” I have nightmares about his bald face against a yellow wall. This MediaShift piece also clarifies…