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Save the Water Contest (exclusive)

Every once in a while, your humble WillVideoforFood gets an exclusive. Here’s one. The folks at Rain Bird Corporation (a manufacturer of irrigation products and services) are doing a film contest to raise awareness of water conservation. “The Intelligent Use of Water” Film Competition seeks short films (1-20 minutes in actual or excerpted run time)…

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How to Find and Win Video Contests

How do you make sure you’re not missing video contests? No excuses anymore. You can check into YouTube’s contest page You can hit this VidOpp for a nice summary of contests. You can register on Xlntads.com, which hosts custom contests (and is currently running a contest for itself). Click here to register, and tell ’em…


Ten Tips for Holding a Better Online-Video Contest

Video contests continue to roll out, often ignoring some of the basics for attracting good entries. Some examples from the past few days… Mount Olive Pickle Company is seeking 30 to 60-second videos describing why Mt. Olive “is the perfect pickle.” Plan N Trade Franchise, Inc., is hosting a “National Guitar Hero II video contest.”…

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Ketchup Contest

What do you do when you hold a ketchup contest and about half of the entries are from one guy? Here’s Heinz’s YouTube site, and here’s the gratuitous contest site the agency presumably convinced the brand to build (equiped with auto-rolling video- ick). Still, it’s a good brand for a contest, isn’t it? Who can’t have…

Mr. Clean Contest

Mr. Clean says to enter his contest or he’ll use those large bicepts to pummel you. Big stakes ($10K) but the prize only goes to one winner. And I’m “perpetual runner’s up guy.” But I’ve got my idea, and it’s part based on reality. My wife has a crush on Mr. Clean. And I try to…