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Contrived and Stealth “Viral” Campaigns Still Controversial

A few amateurs created a giant lego ball and videotape their friend dressed as Indiana Jones running from it down a San Francisco hill, where it crashes into a car. Of course the pieces stay intact, and the ball appears to be stryofoam dressed with legos. What’s wrong about this video? We think the fake…

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Ask a Ninja’s Packs Online Video Stats into 3-minute Punch

A little rusty on your online video statistics? AskANinja will give you most of what you need in 3 minutes. He’s also promoting his book that’s due this fall (preorder on Amazon.com). Thanks for the tip, Mike Abundo (Inside Online Video). When I was a kid I used to broadcast my radio show to my…

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YouTube Now Advertising Free!

 Well it’s been a week or so since I’ve seen an Invideo ad on YouTube. I’m not aware of a public statement regarding what is allegedly a technical issue. My new banner is “Nalts: Now With No Advertising.” And I’m still posting away… At least the subliminal ads are still running (see YouTube Picks).

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Viral Video YouTube Moshup in Weezer’s “Pork & Beans” Music Video

Some time ago, we were watching Weezer write a song with his audience on YouTube. His blog even mentioned my little post, resulting in fan traffic that oddly didn’t assault me for making fun of his unibrow. Well now Weezer’s “Pork and Beans” music video has paid even greater homage to YouTube, and has garnered…

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How to Win a Contest (Case Study)

ZackScott, one of my favorite fearless video creators, returns for a guest blog post about winning a recent Xlntads ProQuo contest (disclaimer: Zack and I both contribute to Xlntads as members of a “creative advisor board, and he wins contests while I think about them). Zack told me yesterday, “I’m hoping people think I’m such…

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A Plea for Videos Featuring On-Air Talent Rants & Outtakes

Dear production team, For years you’ve quietly enjoyed that old Beta tape packed with outtakes of your abusive talent — sharing it only with select friends after dinner (and a cheaper version of the beer your talent drinks on his bloated network expense account). Now you’re seeing your production-crew comrades upload clips of nutcase anchors…

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George Bush vs. Robert Engel Interview (Parody)

I tried yesterday to talk Ben Relles (Barelypolitical.com and Obama-Girl creator) to make this video, but couldn’t resist doing it myself this morning. It’s a parody of the George Bush interview with NBC’s Richard Engel (the White House this week took offense to “deceitful” editing by the network). Hopefully I’ve offended Bush and journalists equally…

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Where Are the YouTube Ads? (Insert Cricket Sound)

The biggest mystery of YouTube partners (those who share in advertising revenue generated by their videos) is yet unsolved. My post about Sxephil’s reaction generated a lot of discussion, but there’s still a big unanswered question…. Are the YouTube ads missing because advertisers aren’t buying? Or is there a technical glitch prohibiting them? Either option…

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Streaming Media East (NYC) on Tuesday, May 20

I’ll be moderating a panel for Streaming Media East tomorrow (Tuesday, May 20) at the NYC Hilton. The topic is “Creating and Promoting Amateur and Viral Videos” (A103) 1:45 PM – 2:30 PM The session explores what makes a video viral and how marketers and amateurs can promote their video using online video sites and…

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Fish Video Surprises Creator

If anyone tells you they know what will go “viral,” they’re lying. We all know the general rules: short, comedic, shocking, funny, sexy. But even those of us immersed in this space are surprised about what we think will go viral (like “Filthy Little Lemon” or “YouTube is My Wife“) and what viewers actually like….