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  1. Wow, that was riveting. I was onthe edge of my seat the whole time. And that ending — man, what a shocker!!

    And what’s with this “chuckles” thing? It makes you sound like an 80 year old white guy who sits on his porch drinking lemonade and giving grandfatherly advice to anyone who walks by. If I were you I wouldn’t do any more chuckling in your interviews. Either laugh like a hyena or keep a straight face.

    But thanks for the shout-out to your viewers! I felt you were thinking of me personally when you made those comments. It made me feel all warm and stuff. Then I realized I had peed my pants.

  2. You get articles written about you, I get fan mail. Here’s my most recent one:

    I spent a good part of last night watching your “Spoken word and music” vids. What decade are you from, man? You’re like a contemporary multi-media 60’s beat poet/writer (except without the booze and drugs?). Your stuff rips, clenches, sooths, takes one on journeys (outside and inward), they’re just fucking amazing. It was an experience, all right. Thank you.

    Why aren’t you famous yet? Has the time for appreciating your type of work passed? I don’t know..

    PS I’ll stop bugging you with my emails, I’m starting to look like a stalker! It’s really just that when I discover someone new on YT, I focus on their vids and see where they take me. Yours were something completely unexpected and different from everything else. Now don’t respond with “Google “Help me keep my mean drunk sister fat” 😉

  3. Nice article, but why does everyone who interviews you insist on calling you “Kevin Nalts” (or Brian Nalty)? Why not use your real name?

    Anyway, nothing really new in the article that I hadn’t already heard you blab on about continuously in this blog and elsewhere.

    BTW, sukatra, I’m sure he was thinking of ME, not you. 🙂

  4. Marilyn, I’m so proud of you. You’re getting to be almost as sarcastic as I am. I’m gonna have to raise my game.

  5. This was an engaging article!

    I will check out Camcorder Info in the future after reading this interview.. they seem to ask interesting and relevant questions.
    Congrats, Mr. ‘Viral Video Genius’… =)

    PS you didn’t mention which camcorder will be your upgrade from the HV20 (or if you did I missed it)…. since I am looking to get a new one I’d like to know if there are particular models you have your eyes on or if at this point you are happy with the HV20 (nice camera btw).


  6. Man, I wish there was a “thumb” function on this blog, because Jake Leonard definitely deserves a thumbs-up for that comment!

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