Buy Book Today, and Get Free Perpetual Access to WillVideoForFood

Okay “Beyond Viral” is climbing Amazon’s top web-marketing books right behind Chris Brogan’s “Trust Agents.” If you’ve ever considered purchasing my epic tome about YouTube marketing, now’s the time!Let’s show these big fancy social media people the power of viddeeooo (the most visceral form of social).

And if you act today — buying the book conveniently  via this Amazon affiliate link — you’ll get free perpetual access to WillVideoForFood’s more than 2,000 posts! Yeah, sure… everyone gets that because, um, it’s a free website without ads. But you’ll have that, plus a sturdy hard-back book to adorn your shelves, and to prove to your friends and colleagues that you read.

Beyond Viral: How to Attract Customers, Promote Your Brand, and Make Money with Online Video (New Rules Social Media Series). And yes I’ll autograph it for free, or mail you a sticker with my autograph. You know what? If I can outsell Brogan before Blogworld I’ll come to your house, autograph your copy, and prank call someone on your behalf.

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