Bionic Cat
We can make Oscar stronger, faster… the world’s first bionic cat. No kidding- this amputee cat got bionic legs… see article.
This photo’s going to give me nightmares.
We can make Oscar stronger, faster… the world’s first bionic cat. No kidding- this amputee cat got bionic legs… see article.
This photo’s going to give me nightmares.
Welcome WVFF Guest Blogger Jim Louderback Sure, you think the TV is dead. But it’s not. The act of lazing about in front of a big screen TV watching, laughing and enjoying video content is going to be even bigger than ever. But here’s the rub. It’ll be less about cable and broadcast, and much…
You lost your edits to an email attachment from Outlook on your Mac. How to find it in the secret temporary folder in your cache.
I just made that headline up. Advertising Age reviewed my book, “Beyond Viral” and did not call it the best book about online-video marketing and YouTube. But I’ve got a hungry search engine spider to feed here, so work with me. And if you’re a teacher you should definitely put this on your curriculum because…
WatchMojo CEO Ashkan Karbasfrooshan has written a series of smart articles about online video in TechCrunch, and here’sKarbasfrooshan’s recent “How to Make Money from Online Video.” TechCrunch is totally working my content corner, and if I had a pimp he’d comb his afro and kick Michael Arrington right in his man crunch. In fairness, Arrington wrote about…
I need to get something off my chest. All the bugs in the new Revver are my fault. I was given the opportunity to QA the site pre-launch. I did a cursory job and e-mailed back a few random bugs I noticed. But I wasn’t thorough. Because I’m lazy, have a low attention to detail…
Yes. Video prerolls are both growing and declining. The good news for viewers is that we saw fewer prerolls. But we saw more “polite prerolls” (option to escape) in Q1 2011 as reported by AdoTube/eMarketer. Since this doesn’t include YouTube data and presumably a small sample of total online-video ad streams it does need to…
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I can’t decide if that is one of the most adorable or one of the creepiest things I’ve ever seen.