Behind the Scenes of Sarah Palin’s Mock-Disney Trailer: Ice Skater Mom as President

NewTeeVee author Liz Gannes took us behind the scenes to this highly produced and funny mock trailer for a Disney-like film staring Sarah Palin. produced the trailer (see “Sarah Palin Disney Movie“) after being inspired by Matt Damon’s remarks about Palin (see excerpt of those quotes in “F’ing Sarah Palin” satire).  

What made this video special for me is that it stared the adorable Liz Cackowski, a former SNL writer who hosts “The Jeanie Tate Show.” You can enjoy the web-only show by subscribing to YouTube chanel “Head in the Oven.” Or watch them all via this YouTube playlist!

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  1. I wish I could have said I didn’t see that one coming, but what more could you expect.

    Your $1.25 ghost/marketing video finally made me realize how you got your hooks into Jo. She heard about this guy who was not only funny, but also came with great hair and a great set of teeth.

    Of course, what she didn’t hear was that you keep the hair and teeth in a box in the bathroom


  2. @2

    I was going to mention that, but I’ve decided to give up my candidacy for the office of conscienceofnalts. Unlike some candidates, I’m willing to admit that I don’t have the experience (or longsuffering) to take it. No, instead I would now like to run for corruptionofnalts. It’s a much easier role, and less stress on the brain.

  3. @5

    See, that’s the misconception. You don’t dive headfirst into corruption. You slowly wade out into it. It starts small, like blogging hot chicks on your public website. Then you start associating with hater organizations on YouTube. Eventually, you find yourself being voted into a public office somewhere, and the corruption becomes complete.


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