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Are Your Videos DO Belong to Us (YouTube)?

Thanks to Joe Chapuis (WebVideoZone) for pointing this Boing Boing report out. It appears that the language around YouTube’s ownership of your content is getting a little tighter. Fortunately, they’re not trying to go for “exclusives.”

Here’s a Boing Boing post by David Gulbransen that reminds us that a) we can always yank our videos, and b) that right will make it difficult for YouTube to license its content to other players.

I hate to be put in the position of trying to defend an onerous license… but the excerpt you posted on BoingBoing is a little misleading. It continues, “…The foregoing license granted by you terminates once you remove or delete a User Submission from the YouTube Website.”That last little bit is pretty important. It means that if you remove the work from the YouTube site, they have to stop using your work. So there is some protection for users who have uploaded original content. If YouTube were to sublicense your content to an advertising agency, for example, and you were to remove the content–thus revoking the grant under the terms of the agreement–then the agency’s license would be revoked as well. That’s not really a tenable situation for advertisers or businesses, who are unlikely to sublicense content with such strings attached.

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