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Are You Aware? Are You Awake?

Most of us are sleepwalking through life… missing great moments because we’re lost in our own thoughts and tasks.

Not me anymore. I woke up. I am Zen. I am enlightened. Stillness Speaks. I am aware.

Join me on my spiritual journey, while commuting to work yesterday.

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  1. Thank you. I thought I was the only dope that took videos while driving. Now I can finally tell my wife I’m not the only one! And I don’t even read!

    But seriously, get THEPod (www.thepod.ca). Best in-car gadget I own (and the only one). Works great with the camera and can withstand high-speed turns (with some assistance from one of those little sticky-gel-pad-thingies).

    Best part? Everything. Because I’ve done it all (including driving with your teeth and driving off the side of the road while taping).

    No teeth on the wheel here, but it’s the favorite in-car video I’ve made:


  2. We finally get to see the man behind the TK initials. Sorry about Uncle Irv.

    I’m not sure I can afford a http://www.thepod.ca, but thanks for reminding me about the sticky gel pad. At least that will keep the camera from rolling away. I’ve found the dashboard videos easier than the “hide the camera from the tollbooth guy” ones. In that case I stack a camera on top of a stack of my dry cleaning. It’s very adjustable and usually stays put. Trickiest part is pulling up to the right spot so he’s in frame.

    I’ve got all my props together for my YouTube bubble burst video I’m shooting on the drive home. If I don’t upload or post in a while it’s because I swerved off the road trying to make it today.

  3. Wow, Revver must not be paying well. Mine (red version) was only about $20. But you could make your own. It’s nothing more than a mini-beanbag for your camera. Just don’t open them. It’s hell to close them and keep all those beads inside.

    Thanks for the condolences. And yes, that was one of my few on-camera scenes. Unlike you, I prefer to stay BEHIND the camera.

    Back to my post at work.

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