
Sometimes you have to do a blog post just to secure the number one position on Google for a particular word. In this case, I’m going to place number one for organic listings on the word “Aphoofies.” Now it doesn’t matter that nobody searches that term, because a good paid-search agency doesn’t tell their client that. They just show that they’re number one for a word.

I like the word “Aphoofies.” I’m not sure what it means, so I’d like your help. Can you please come up with a definition? Your comment should include the word too, because that will help you place highly on searches for Aphoofies. 

The word came from one of those word scramblers that YouTube makes you complete so you can continue commenting. These things:


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  1. Aphoofies — the sound made by a post-op transgered female-to-male person when he sneezes.


    Son: “Aphoofies!!”

    Father: “I had a hard enough time explaining this whole transgendrred thing to the guys down at the lodge. How am I supposed to explain that you’re pregnant and on Oprah talking about your sex life with your wife???? Huh?? Explain that to me, you freak of nature!!! You have ruined my life!!!!”

  2. I think this video (linked) approximates what it’s like to go through the aphoofies. Kind of a mesmerizing cross between Tourette’s and polka.

  3. Aphoofies are the mistakes new video makers make while making viral videos; be that in the videos themselves or on the sites which host them. For example, sub4sub requests on YouTube or videos which somehow do not compel their audience to pass the video on.

  4. This is no joke. That’s a real word that captcha came up with, although the ‘ies’ plural at the end is an improper usage.

    Aphoofys – descriptive psychiatric term for the syndrome where patients who where previously long term wards of institutions have difficulty readjusting to a normal diet outside of the institution.

    It’s from German. Has something to do with not having to make dietary choices, or there is a lime Jello connection somewhere in the literature.

    We glossed over this in my last year of a Psych fellowship. Year of hell – they tried to take my doctors coat away…

    they are coming back…..to take my lab coat again. Tell me what to eat, send me a kosher dinner, they self heating kind they also give to Soldiers who also keep kosher? Huh? Guys…


  5. Those self-heating MREs will give you constipation big time if you don’t drink a LOT of water with it. And don’t try to eat the heating pad. There’s a picture on the pad that says not to. Work out the bad grammar later.

  6. High in sodium, those Kosher MRE’s. I ate the heating pad – with the electrical cord.

    Grammar is so, Web 1.0. Where, were, ware, doctor’s coat, lime Jello, semi colon, impacted colon, strunk and white, love bite.

  7. Just did a Google search for Aphoofies and yours was the top link; but not then only one. Seems others have jumped on the Aphoofies bandwagon (I just ctrl+V that so I don’t spell it wrong, since it’s not a real word).

    I think the correct definition for Aphoofies is what Nutcheese does in her pants when she thought she was only going to fart.

  8. I was wrong; most of the links end up back with you Nalts. Apparently you are putting that word into every video you comment on so that every hit from that word ends up back with you. But who else will ever even think to search for that word on Google except readers of this blg?

  9. kevin,i saw u post “aphoofies” in a comment on MDJ’s 5ooth sub video.I asked what it meant but havent been back to check for a response.I thought i just wasnt hip any more,since i turned 40,lol. BTW,MDJ i sent you a video on youtube to my B-17 bomber video,but i dont think their message/video sending thingy is working right.Here’s the video link: http://www.vume.com/videos/view/14813 and the photo links: http://www.vume.com/photos/view/119981 http://www.vume.com/photos/view/119983 …….If Nalts,Mdj,or anyone could link to them,or embed them,i would REALLY appreciate it,thanks!

  10. P.S. The videos on VUME wont embed(among about 2 dozen other bugs),but u can still link to them,the photos usually embed fine though,just click the “share” link to get the codes,Thanks again 🙂

  11. P.S. #2 I have about 3000 other videos/photos on vume too,everything from dogs to spiders to fireworks,and just about everything under the sun! Have i exceeded my comment/spam limit yet? sorry bout that nalts!

  12. It totally works, genius. Your page popped right up when I searched for “Aphoofies”.

    Aphoofies Aphoofies Aphoofies!!!! (Congrats!!!!)

  13. Aphoofies-When you go to sneeze and accidentally fart instead from the pressure of holding your sneeze in.

    Nalts aphoofies constantly due to the overwhelming strain and stress of video viral making. See also “barking spider”

  14. Aphoofies- A person are a group of persons who watch comment on videos at a fast an unprecedented speed

    “did you see thatt mikma was here comment?” I bet he sure does APHOOFLIES videos.

    did you seenutcheese and princessdiana, and violentkitty411all over at zipster08 house?

  15. Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube Aphoofies You Tube
    that ought to do it.

  16. ok i’ll take a stab at it.

    Aphoofies – the mucus discharge expelled from your nostrils on your co-worker that you didnt tell him about and has now dried in the place it landed.

    Yes you snicker about it later, when that co-worker walks by with that dried out patch that no one told him about all day!

    What? it never happened to me! i think?

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