Another Marriage Proposal Gone Sour. In Public.
Lesson learned in this video. Don’t propose in public. Kinda reminds me of the last episode of The Office. Courtesy of a new blog featuring Google videos and information about Google.
Lesson learned in this video. Don’t propose in public. Kinda reminds me of the last episode of The Office. Courtesy of a new blog featuring Google videos and information about Google.
That wedding entrance to the tune “Forever” is up to 11 million plus views via YouTube, and it boosted album sales by placing the 2008 song in the iTunes top 10. It certainly didn’t hurt that the Today show flew the wedding party to NYC for a recreation. Nielsen Wire reports that the wedding video…
Nice article by Catherine Holahan about YouTube and other sites that share revenue with creators. Christine (HappySlip) is mentioned in the lead.
Yeah Viacom lost that lawsuit against YouTube. Says da judge: Because Google complies with any request from copyright holders to remove infringing content from YouTube it cannot be held liable itself for those infringements. Only in specific instances of failing to remove copyright-infringing content would YouTube be unable to claim safe harbour; mere knowledge of…
It’s all the rage in Boston. While Video Guru Steve Garfield got his mom YouTubing in 2006, and New Media Evangelist Chris Brogan recently helped mom and dad launch their own web presence (MomPopPow). And they’re not alone. The latest data show that boomers don’t need a guru son or daughter to get started in social media….
In a spoof of MTV Cribz, LisaNova takes you through her teen cribz with her “giant ugly bitch face” friend Jasmine (Kassemg with a remarkable ability to stay cross-eyed). Lisa Donovan is showing MadTV (a show that had her for only four episodes) that she is having the last laugh. This episode of the new…
Take a bold YouTube homepage-takeover advertisement like today’s “Flu Has Cooties” campaign then toss in this ridiculous disclaimer: “MedImmune has no control over the video content on the YouTube homepage.” What do you get? Shit. Without that insulting disclaimer, I might have sailed right onto the Flumist page, learned about a flu vaccine that comes…