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Another Great Site for Free, Royalty Free Music

The online-video community is in constant need for good, royalty free music that doesn’t cost money. Most of us don’t make enough on our videos to warrant paying a lot. And we’re all sick of the canned stuff that comes with the editing software.

For a while, Kevin MacLeod of Incompetech.com had filled that void. Now the musician has helped his friend, Jonathon Roberts serve the same need. If you use the New Yorker’s music in your video, simply credit him and consider a modest $5 Paypal donation. As an example, here’s a clip we made (Squirting Water Boats) yesterday on our first day of vacation. The song is called Ragtime, and it brings an otherwise boring video to life.

Thanks to these guys for helping make online videos more interesting. It will only be a matter of time before Jonathon’s clips are pervasive as Kevin’s.

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  1. Thanks for the info Kevin…I tried making a video yesterday and put music on it…using Incompetech, but using Music maker for the second time, couldn’t figure out how to do it. Plus, I was exhausted from editing. Don’t know how you you do it, you must be a pro anyhow by now. I was interested in free music though. It makes such a huge difference while watching videos.

    I saw the Crocs so I thought that footage was old. Hope you’re having a great vacation! 🙂

  2. Totally unfair. Nalts must have taken Ted’s post down. I don’t think we can take our own posts down. I sense some bias here.

    Don’t think I’m going to let this go Nalts. This is totally unfair and against everything I always believed you stood for. Except for when you screw around with my comments on this blog. That also sucks, you manipulative little [insert less offensive word than bastard] you.

    On the other hand, maybe it was Britney Spears during a particularly bad manic phase (like it could get any worse than it already is!). Either way, totally unfair to take it down.

    Now, to pick a scandal name. Tedgate? Nah, just doesn’t have the same ring as weinergate.

  3. Youtube is filtering the word “congenital” out of the comments. How ironic. Meanwhile, my comments here have finally started showing up again after being filtered out for so long. Must be because I haven’t used “congenital” in my newest comments here.

  4. Thanks Kevin! I just spent all night looking for free royalty free music with very little luck. Many were free for personal use, but a fee if you were to upload it and share the video. At the end of my frustration I decided to just have a few laughs and visited your site. The info I needed was right there from YOU! Thanks!

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