
And Just When WillVideoForFood Was to Open It’s Beijing Office

chinesewall_000.jpgNo more silly videos in China. Then again… even if you made a video wouldn’t “Google China” filter it out?

From People’s Daily Online: Seems China is creating a tri-lopoly to ensure viral video doesn’t fall dangerously in the hands of its citizens (who would soon, no doubt, ask for guns). New regulations are in the pipeline to regulate video content on the Internet in the wake of a surge in short satirical films online, according to the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

Video spoofs have become so popular that netizens have even coined a slang term, “egao,” to describe the act of using real film clips to create mocking send-ups.

From late August or September, only authorized websites such as sina.com, sohu.com and netease.com, will be allowed to show short films under the new regulations, Xinhua News Agency reported, citing an announcement by the administration.

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