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America Online Spoof Video: “AOL Privacy Cam”

This is the video I did last night to spoof the recent news that AOL released private data from 650,000 of its customers.

I was getting the shakes last night because I hadn’t made a video in about a week (new job). So I cranked this out after reading a TechCrunch article about this AOL thing. It’s an experiment. What happens to an irreverent and timely satire of news events? Will it catch on or end up in the sand dunes of viral-video wasteland?

Don’t be too critical. It took about as much time to shoot and edit as this post took to write.  I would have played with the soundtrack a bit more  but the Ambien was kicking in. Barely got it uploaded.aol-privacy-cam.jpg

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  1. Enough with the Ambien already…get some Sonata you don’t have 8 hrs to sleep get 4

  2. Sonata people go back to Ambien. That’s what my doc said. Do you think they’ll find this post when they’re doing a Buzzmetrics on the brand?

  3. Nope King/Sonata does not have the marketing dollars; and Sanofi/Ambien does not like most of the things that would show up with Ambien mentions (they may get a count but the details would blow up the med-legal dept)…man your doc has a good Sanofi rep. Trying to work while the Ambien kicks in is crazy man (have you fallen asleep on your keyboard yet?).

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