“Am I Pretty or Ugly” Girl Pretends to Be 21-Year-Old Artist

Sophie Roessler’s “Am  I Pretty or Ugly” video caught some media attention and a quarter of a million views.

So what did the tween do? Like anyone else, she pretended to be a 21-year-old artist who knows all about the “struggles a girl transitioning into womanhood must go through.

Roessler claimed the video “acted as a social experiment as well as commentary on this disturbing trend, and has recently gained a lot of media attention, from jezebel.com to Good Morning America.”

Whatver, Sophie. You’re pretty. A pretty good tween liar.

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  1. That girl has 139 subscribers but got 280k views for THAT?? Exactly why I don’t make videos anymore.

  2. We’ve seen this many times before. Reminiscent of EmoKid, the early days of brooke, thehill88… a relapse for sure.

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