AdAge Review: Best Book About Online-Video Marketing & YouTube

Ad Age is a fine industry magazine, and if Dave's hands weren't busy cupping his chin... he'd be giving me two thumbs up.

I just made that headline up. Advertising Age reviewed my book, “Beyond Viral” and did not call it the best book about online-video marketing and YouTube. But I’ve got a hungry search engine spider to feed here, so work with me. And if you’re a teacher you should definitely put this on your curriculum because it’s the only book about online-video marketing written by a marketer and YouTube webstar.

Yeah I did read Critic Dave Bushnell’s article, “It’s Time to Bury Viral Video,” a few days ago. But rather than summarizing it here, I think I’ll just copy and paste some key phrases from it. I’ll be right back. And I’m back:

Here’s what AdAge says about my book, “Beyond Viral: How to Attract Customers, Promote Your Brand, and Make Money with Online Video” (purchase it on Amazon in the next 23.2 hours and it’s just under $16.63, a decent drop from its retail of $24.95).

  • Ultimately delivers an enduring and important lesson
  • It’s a compelling argument that arises from the numbers
  • Mr. Nalty’s ability to parse his video experience through the eyes of a marketing executive nevertheless makes the book’s core message an effective primer for brands in this space.

My favorite reference: “Mr. Nalty, a former Johnson & Johnson marketing executive.” That confused people because I’m back at J&J, but the book doesn’t know that. So some people reading Bushnell’s piece thought I’d left again. Anyway the reason it’s my favorite is because he calls me Mr. Nalty. I always giggle at that.

I like how the author calls out the fact that I’m a YouTube Partner recommending people sponsor YouTube Partners. I sometimes forget to acknowledge that conflict of interest; andwhen I remember it usually comes off as being defensive. I’ve not done a sponsored video in quite a while, but I’ve got lots of friends I’d like to see get sponsored. So am I biased? Probably. Is it still smart marketing to sponsor videos instead of media buys alone? Absolutely. Just like you want the American Idol judges drinking your Coke… let Pepsi buy up the 15-30-60s.

I also like this review because Bushnell simplifies an important distinction I make between sponsoring webstars (content partnership) and running ads (media buy): Mr. Nalty also makes a good case that they don’t just command a strong audience, they also understand what speaks to their fans. Working with web stars isn’t a media buy, it’s a content partnership.

Okay enough shameless self promotion. Who’s the character from Winnie the Pooh that resembles you? This handy photo can help you then diagnos your mental illness.

Winnie the Pooh Mental Health
Pick the Pooh character you resemble, then find out the mental illness you may have (but ask your doctor before treating)


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