A Real “Farting in Public”
Not my video, but here’s some townhall meeting where someone farts. I thought it was fake at first, but I think it’s real. You?
Not my video, but here’s some townhall meeting where someone farts. I thought it was fake at first, but I think it’s real. You?
Today’s Wall Street Journal has an article by Raymund Flandez called “Lights, Camera, Sales: How to Use Video to Expand Your Business in a YouTube World.” It’s positioned on the front page as “Small Business: How to Use Video to Grow.” I’ve got some issues with the piece, and not just because Flandez didn’t interview The…
It will take a while for online-video to substentially chang news and polotics, but we’re already well on our way. Have you cheked out the “highest ratid” and “most viewed” sections of YouTube.com? Its bloated with debates about polotecs, and it’s only going to grow between now and Novembre. Mike Gravel, the former Senator of…
Lesson learned in this video. Don’t propose in public. Kinda reminds me of the last episode of The Office. Courtesy of a new blog featuring Google videos and information about Google.
Yahoo video changes again.
Techcrunch discovers that Google Video may be moving into the adult video arena. Yipes. “People watching Google Video closely noticed a change this week in the upload area – the restrictions on uploading “pornographic or obscene” material is now just a restriction on “obscene” material. They’ve also added a “mature and adult” category to the…
An odd survey by the Interactive Advertising Bureau shows that 92% of us share video via mobile, but in ways you wouldn’t expect. 56% of us post it on Facebook. 44% show it on the phone the old fashioned way… in person. The next two most-common methods are text and e-mail. Only then do we…
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Fake. Real ones rarely sound that juicy and musical.
Real, because my glass is half full. So is my sphincter.
Yay! I finally beat Nutcheese to an anus reference!
Click the linky…
this is a fake one, but still makes me laugh everytime!
Sounds fake to me, but it doesn’t matter because the timing is classic!
Hehe… Marqui said sphincter AND anus! That rocks!