Must-Read Sources for Online Video Marketing & YouTube Tips

Best sources for online-video marketing information

WillVideoForFood was created to help creators build audiences and make money, but it obviously focuses on online-video marketing. Of course we’re not a news outlet… we’re an author blog. And when we say “we,” we’re using it in a Royal sense. (It’s just me, okay?)

So here’s our definitive list of sources to feed your online-video curiosity — between WVFF posts. If you want to satiate your RSS or fancy reader with nice sources of intelligence, this is a good place to start. Did I miss anything? Let me know below!

Are these sources as fun and personal as this blog? Of course not!
Are they comprehensive, current and betterly written? Maybe.

Industry News Sources on Online-Video, Media and Marketing

  • ReelSEO: one of our favorite sites for online-video news, and it includes video creation and marketing tutorials by the affable Tim Schmoyer (which also can be found on ReelSEO’s YouTube channel).
  • ComScore is the definitive source of monthly statistics, site ranking, and audience trends.
  • eMarketer also publishes nice data and reports about online video.
  • TubeFilter: A nice way to stay on top of webisodes and the convergence of Hollywood and online video.
  • NewTeeVee: GigaOm’s video site is a long-time player, and has recently refreshed its approach. Similar to Tubefilter, the site focuses on new webisodes and professional content.
  • iMedia Connections: A publishing and event empire focused broadly on digital and traditional marketing.
  • MediaPost, a behemoth publisher of industry news, has a VidBlog worth checking out (especially to read Daisy Whitney’s prose)
  • TubeMogul, an online-video platform, has a blog… it’s usually about the company, but also provides nice stats and trends. Brightcove, another major player, also has a blog.
  • AdAge: Digital media and marketing news with an advertising focus. AdWeek also has nice advertising coverage, but less about online video.
  • Shira Lazar’s What’s Trending is, while hard to describe, important.
  • StreamingMedia is a conference planner and publisher, with an emphasis on the technology behind online video. Even better, see Streaming Media’s
  • Digiday: Digiday is a media company and community for professionals working in digital media, marketing and advertising industry. Its daily “feed” includes web-culture news roundups, infographics, essays and more.
  • David Meerman Scott has got a nice blog called Web Ink Now.
  • Steve Garfield, author of “Get Seen” (the second-best book about online video) has a blog and a pretty nice Instagram collection.
  • Don’t forget Tim Street. And I’ve also just discovered author Pat Ferdinandi’s Viditude blog.
  • Jack Myers covers the media space, and syndicates as well as publishes his own content and reports.
  • Daisy Whitney may have stopped “New Media Minute,” but she remains the journalist maven and can be read on MediaPost.
  • My friend Brad Aronson has a new blog loaded with fresh perspectives and important (but easy to forget) insights for entrepreneurs, managers and leaders. It it video specific? No, but it’s Brad. And it’s called Brad Aronson’s blog, which is a remarkably creative name.

YouTube Specific

 What’d I miss? 

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  1. Those other resources may be more professional, current, well-written and prestigious but none of them is more fun than this one. That’s my backhanded way of sucking up to you. Now send me the damn book.

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