Hitviews New Chief Strategic Officer is…

It’s official… in addition to pursuing my own social-media marketing startup (more on that soon), I’m the chief strategic officer of Hitviews.com, a company that helps top brands reach large audiences via the most-watched online-video stars.

But don’t hate me because I’m strategical, mkay?

nalts at hitviews

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  1. Hitviews? Does that mean I get to hit you everytime I watch one of your videos? Oh please, PLEASE say yes! =)

  2. Whoa! That was quick. Whatever happened to wallowing in self-recrimination during an extended period of unemployment? It’s like you don’t even care about tradition!

    BTW, I just posted my “7 Ways To Ensure Your Video Doesn’t Work” for marketers on the EyeView blog. You might want to use it as a kind of bible at your new gig!


  3. Chief Strategic Officer? I dunno, Nalts. When I hear CSO I think “Chicago Symphony Orchestera.”

    Negotiate for a better acronym.

    j/k, congratulations, it’s nice to have a home and a title.

  4. This is a much better job, because it looks to me like that Propecia stuff doesn’t work.

  5. Congratulations, Kevin. It seems unfair, however, that you were unemployed for only a week, especially in this economy.

  6. @6 it’s beyond the prank stage now – this is a swan off the high dive. Get your score cards ready, hold your breath and keep your eyes pealed.

  7. Impressive title.

    But what does it all really MEAN, Kevin?

    I think your first strategic action…should be to make you the face of Hitviews. As I think yours may sell it better.

    But that’s just my opinion…goofy 40 year olds are the new 20 something year old blonde chick.

  8. Oh Nalts! That’s great news! Look at all of the things you are doing! I still remember the days when you were just a mere 39 years old, and now look at all of these accomplishments!

    I myself was just elected the official Colonel of Cool yesterday, but you totally have me beat with this one.

  9. @10 Soon I’ll announce that I in fact have no MBA, never had a job outside Dominos, and that the kids are my niece and nephews. And I’m actually 48 years old.

  10. @13 oh, that irony would be the cherry on my virtual hot fudge sundae and while facing the cold harsh reality that life online has been some great, wild and fantastical hallucination, then, and only then would I slip under the cover of dark into sukatras abode pilfer all her drugs and immediately ask marquis’ sister out on a date surrendering my will completely to the consistent yet well intentioned fascist wordsmith and the sweet sweet melodious toots from yonder nutcheese. the universe then dear kevin, would cease to exist

  11. Where do I send my resume? Will you ignore the gap in employment while I was learning self paced basket weaving courtesy of the state?

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