I’m, Like, The 36th Most Famous Internet Guy

Yeah but don’t take my word for it. Check iStardom. I guess the rankings are based on YouTube and MySpace (which unfortunately is a site I ignore). I’m just so glad to se that fatty photo from the YouTube gathering in 7/7/7. Getting it off my Wikipedia page is like trying to get rid of those people that come to my office to chitchat and gossip for 3 hours during the work day.

Now be sure to go tell iStardom that I’m not fat or gay, please. Otherwise I’ll pay Google off to bury this page. Mooo haaa haaaa.

Isn’t it amazing how we can find meaning in life on these rankings? Or being a voice in Mr. Safety’s “Mountain Cow” video?

istardom ranking youtube myspace


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  1. You’re not gay…you’re just overly flamboyant. I mean…your clothing style obviously refelects that you are not gay…that orange thermal and orange/white/green tie dye shirt…they just have to go.

    Not even most straight guys would be caught dead in those…let alone gay guys!


  2. God, I hate that picture too. It’s like clone of Nalts got abucted by aliens or something, was butt raped and this is the offspring. It’s like an alien version of Nalts, seriously!

    HI-MY-NAME-IS-NALTS! Hahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha!

  3. Ze Frank is the 1,949th most famous entertainer on the Internet (11,444th overall). And you beat out Renetto, too. But Lawanda is still in the driveway.

  4. I hope you’re not talking about those people that come to your office to chitchat and gossip for 3 hours during the work day and read your blog.

    Name one of your videos My Space and/or Face Book I bet your number goes up.

  5. I thought you would have been number 35… but go figure!!!!
    The ringtones are actually pretty funny…. I just set the nalts
    theme song as the default ringtone on my phone for “Unknown
    Callers” ! 🙂

  6. Thanks, Jan. I changed my video today from “Ear Worm” to “MySpace.” I think that should help. A video with me eating a worm and it’s called MySpace.

  7. Look Nalts, I did everything in my power to change your wikipedia page to the one with you and the marker in your nose, but they caught it, and got rid of it like a dead rat. It actually even lasted the greater portion of a day. Maybe I’ll try to change it again today…

  8. I’m #640 on istardom. Not too bad, I guess, for an isolated bum stuck in a mudhole way back in the piney woods of east Texas.

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