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  1. that list is too long for my short teenage attention span to read.

    now, if I were to get an A in willvideoforfood-ology, then maybe, I’ll go read it.

  2. This is a landmark day. You wrote about me. I’ve been a fan forever. Hooray!!!!

    And I snorted out loud with the post. : )

    I second brindle16’s point of view: maybe you can act out all 50. Quickly. Like dance bastard .: )

  3. brindle: Did you have a birthday recently? Didn’t you used to be brindle15?

    Yeah, that list was too long and boring to read. But from what I DID read, it sounds a lot like what you have been saying for ages, Nalts.

    Jischinger: I would be delighted to work as a spell checker. It makes my day to find spelling mistakes. Which is why coming to this blog always brightens my day. 🙂

  4. Hank is reading every one of your posts while I type this. He reads everything he sees on the computer screen now. It’s really starting to piss me off.

  5. Can I get Chris Brogan to do all these things for me? I’ll buy him a burrito if he does.

    hey Marilyn, evie says she can make you day in a big way, interested?

  6. “hey Marilyn, evie says she can make you day in a big way, interested?”

    Happy Birthday brindle.

    Hank: You are correct. Love you mom, though.

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