10 Viral Videos That Have Exploded on the Web (Time)
Time's pick of 10 videos that have exploded on the web. Interesting that the "cheerleader through the basketball hoop" has been brought down from YouTube.
Time's pick of 10 videos that have exploded on the web. Interesting that the "cheerleader through the basketball hoop" has been brought down from YouTube.
Paul Sanchez — biker, video junkie, PR machine, blogger, and maddman — has started an 8-wishes “tag chain” thingy. He’s asked me and other bloggers to post our 8 wishes and pass along the task to others. Parenthetically, Paul’s first wish was granted, as he recently interviewed Kinkos founder Paul Orfalea. So let’s be clear…
Nalts speaks about YouTube profit sharing. As seen on Fox today.
Nalts at Vidcon 2010 [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSucr0SlObw[/youtube] cutesy of stalkerofnalts
Do a Google on "YouTube Sucks" and you'll find some interesting comments. But it's not fair- YouTube is a market leader and pioneer. YouTube began last year inviting anyone to easily share videos regardless of copyrights. It quickly became the most popular video site on the web. If you want to be seen as an…
Interesting news. Google will offer video ads through Adsense in a very "non-intrusive" way… meaning the visitor would have to select it before it loads (thank goodness). What I find most intriguing is that Google seems to offer this for its partners (any site that "syndicates" Google ads via Adsense to make money). But apparently…
The Crackberry video I did early this week didn't take off at first, but now a few blogs (Micropersuasion and some Blackberry blogs) have started to point to it. Meanwhile, here's a recent story of a Chicago hotel that helps you shake Crackberry addiction by locking away your Blackberry!